There is a large challenge that is head to head with the housing industry, which is understanding the impact COVID-19 has on...
Mortgage Refinancing Pitfalls to Avoid
by Apex Home Loans on April 13, 2020
Depending on current market conditions, refinancing your mortgage is often a smart move for homeowners who are seeking lower...
Building a tree house is a time honored tradition for many families. One of the benefits of having a yard is the ability to...
What's Your Home's Real Value?
by Apex Home Loans on January 29, 2014
As a society, it seems like we've gotten away from appreciating our homes for their emotional and sentimental worth....
What To Do When Your Home Doesn't Appraise At Its Purchase Price
by Apex Home Loans on January 10, 2013
Experienced home sellers in Rockville know that reaching a sales agreement with a potential buyer can be just the start of...