Did you hear that Americans find that the nonfinancial benefits of homeownership are the most valuable? While the ...

Earlier this year, industry experts shared their forecasts for home price appreciation. They all believed it would slow to...

Are you currently a homeowner and considering selling your house? You may not want to wait! Right now is the time to...

During the pandemic, nearly half (49%) of Americans said they got a new pet (you might be one of them). Now more than ever,...

Even though mortgage rates are rising as the year goes on, they are still low compared to the historic average. Whenever...
Fannie Mae just put out a survey that shows some of the most highly-rated benefits of homeownership.  

In April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a very promising jobs report. In March, the economy gained 916,000 jobs,...

As you get closer to buying a home this year, saving for a down payment is a critical step in the process. Putting your tax...

Whether you’re thinking about buying your first home or moving up to a bigger home that better accommodates all of your...