Apex Home Loans Blog

NPS Score September 2018

Written by Laura Stimson | November 13, 2018

Apex Reaches an All-Time High
NPS Score of 98 in September!

Apex Home Loans is proud to announce that our customers are happier than ever!

At Apex Home Loans, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional Customer Experience with each and every loan. To make sure we're delivering on that promise, we ask every customer to let us know how we're doing by using a tool called the Net Promoter Score System.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measurement tool to determine our customers’ likelihood of recommending Apex Home Loans. Our organic growth and competitive advantage is based on this very thing; the loyalty and trust we’re able to foster with our borrowers and referral partners.


We ask what's known as The Ultimate Question:

"On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Apex Home Loans to a friend, family member, or colleague?" 


We're proud to have so many Loan Officers who receive high NPS scores each month. Here are a few of our NPS rock stars in September and year-to-date:

(with at least 6 returned surveys for the month)
YTD NPS Leaders
(averaging at least 4 returned 
surveys per month)

Francki Difrancesco - 7 Surveys, NPS 100

Allen Tayman - 6 Surveys, NPS 100

Trish Broderick - 6 Surveys, NPS 100

Scott Ronsenthal - 39 Surveys, NPS 100

Francki Difrancesco - 38 Surveys, NPS 97

Jeff Modeski - 38 Surveys, NPS 95


Here's what more than a decade of global research tells us this about their responses:

  •  Our 9s and 10s, or Promoters, aren't just likely to return - they are responsible for 80% - 90% of our referral business.

  • Our 7s and 8s, or Passives, are satisfied but unenthusiastic. This means they won't just leave us for something better ... they'll leave us for something different.

  • Our 0s through 6s, or Detractors, account for more that 80% of negative word-of-mouth. And, even if profitable, their criticisms and bad attitudes diminish a company's reputation, discourage new customers, and demotivate employees.